Crafting meaningful relationships with job seekers is a foundational element of recruiting and hiring the most suitable personnel. Networking affords companies an opening to get to know potential hires better in order to make well-informed decisions about who would best fit within their organization.   


NETWORK TYPE – Depending on company goals and desired outcomes, employers should determine the type of talent network they want to create. This could include targeting current or potential employees, industry professionals and agencies that may offer insight into business trends or specialized knowledge. 

NETWORK QUALITY – In addition to identifying the type of network desired, consider how the network will be engaged and who will serve as communicators or facilitators. Determine the networking relationship experience to make sure the appropriate attention and meaningful interactions among connections is being successfully managed. 

NETWORK SIZE – How many candidates in each type of role do you need? A lot. Often companies don’t have enough roles or internal staff to manage talent sourcing and host an ongoing pool of candidates. Working with recruitment agencies (like us!) can help build candidate relationships for the short term or long-term, strategic talent sourcing partnerships.  


Here are six strategies that companies can use to maximize their networking efforts while reaching out to potential job candidates. 

  1. Start Early – The earlier you reach out to potential job candidates, the more time you’ll have to get to know them and build a relationship before making any decisions about hiring. This will give you an opportunity to discuss any concerns that may come up during the recruitment process such as salary expectations or promotions within your organization. 
  1. Research the Prospects – Learn as much about potential job candidates as you can before meeting with them. Read their professional profiles, ask for references, and review their resumes or cover letters. This will help you get an idea of who the person is and what skills they bring to the table, and if they are relevant to the talent network you’re developing. 
  1. Use Online Platforms – Investigate which platforms are most suitable for your specific talent needs. Utilize online platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to connect with job seekers. This will allow you to find qualified candidates quickly in areas where there might be a shortage of professionals with certain skillsets.  
  1. Make Introductions – Use your personal connections in order to introduce potential job seekers who may be interested in applying for positions with your organization. Making introductions provides an easier way for employers and jobseekers alike to create lasting relationships without having to invest too much time or effort into networking efforts. 
  1. Ask for Referrals – Encouraging current employees to refer to their contacts and acquaintances is another great way of finding qualified personnel who have the skills needed for specific roles within your company. Referral programs create loyalty while increasing chances of finding top talent quickly and easily! Ask industry and network peers for recommendations and connection to candidates.  
  1. Attend Industry Events – Conferences, trade shows, meetups, webinars, community memberships and networking forums — attending these industry and virtual events gives you the opportunity not only meet potential candidates but also immerse yourself in conversations about trends impacting recruitment today and what prospective applicants are looking.

TIP! Good Networking Etiquette 
Be sure to follow up with applicants, peers and referrals after meetings and messages to thank them for their time. Doing this will show job seekers that you care about them and make them more likely to consider your organization for future job opportunities. Sharing thanks with peers and connections for referrals shows respect for their time in helping you.


By following these strategies, companies can create strong relationships with potential job candidates and better understand how each candidate may contribute to their business. Talent sourcing networks and networking with candidates should be seen as an ongoing process that can help companies make decisions that are best for their business’s growth and success.