Small businesses are the lifeblood of many countries. These businesses generated 17.3 million new jobs in the US alone. There are over 33 million small businesses in the country. It’s unfortunate that 80% of them fail within the first two years.

One of the main reasons for this is poor financial management. Most small business owners eschew accountants. They prefer to manage their own money. What’s surprising is about 27% of them don’t use any accounting software to track their money. They do it the old-fashioned way by using pen and paper.

It’s also not easy to find the right accountant for your business. For one, there’s a shortage of skilled accountants. Many of these number crunchers are quitting because of low offers. Companies are beginning to wise up though and are offering more competitive salaries. They’re also turning to accounting recruitment agencies. These companies help them find the best people for the job.

Why Use Accounting Recruitment Agencies

Many companies are using accounting recruitment agencies for one simple reason. It’s the most effective and efficient way to hire a good worker.

Recruitment agencies have access to prime candidates. They have a large database of job seekers. The best ones even know specialists who are the best fit even if they’re not looking for new employment. Recruiters also know what industries look for. They’re familiar with salary ranges, job responsibilities, and the essential skills needed.

A recruitment service company can make the hiring process go faster. This means more savings and revenue in the long run.

How to Identify the Best Accounting Recruitment Agencies

It’s not hard to find a recruiter. The challenge is finding the best one. Your choice of recruiter can make or break your employee search. It’s why you need one that knows what it’s doing. There are also steps you can take to find a reliable recruitment company.

  • Reach Out for Referrals

A fast and simple way to find effective accounting recruiting firms is to reach out to your circle. Ask for recommendations from the people you trust. These are your family, your friends, and your colleagues. There’s a good chance someone in your inner circle has worked with an excellent accountant.

You can also ask other professionals for suggestions. You can also try reaching out to accounting associations. Many CPAs are members of such groups.

  • Do Your Own Research

When it comes to your business, you shouldn’t take anything for granted. Don’t accept referrals at face value. Do your due diligence and start digging. You can check online and see what type of presence a recruiter has. The best ones would have a strong and dynamic presence online.

Check the company’s website. Make sure you also search LinkedIn and Google. Go over their profiles. You can learn a lot from their pages and profiles. Active recruiters would have regular social media posts. You can also find key information like their methods and consulting rates.

Reviews and testimonials are also important in narrowing down your choices. Look for testimonials and feedback about the company. Focus on what other professionals are saying about the accounting recruiting company.

  • Ask for a Consultation

Researching can only go so far. You also need an in-depth conversation with the recruiter. Your best move is to reach out to the recruitment agencies that caught your interest. Request for a consultation. Pay attention to their reaction. Are they enthusiastic or nervous? You want a recruiter who’s excited to have a discussion with you. A great recruitment agency is eager to help you find good employees. They are also gracious and open about their time.

The consultation is also the best time to discuss what you need. Make sure you have a clear vision of the kind of worker you need. Provide the recruitment agency with your requirements. Explain to them what you can offer a prospective worker.

Connecting Seattle Businesses to Good People

Finding the right people for the job is easy with Seattle Financial. We’re a full-service accounting staffing agency. We specialize in accounting and finance. Our areas of expertise also cover HR, manufacturing, office, and administration. We have an exceptional team with a growth mindset. We are also involved with local businesses. This helps us choose the best candidates for them. Our innate knowledge of the market and the candidates gives us a strategic edge. It’s why we’re successful in coming up with staffing solutions based on your needs. Call us at 206-343-8732. You can also reach us here.